4 reviews

L'Anse Sentinel

marker L Anse, Michigan


4 reviews

Very affordable advertising, friendly staff
Jill Dicarlo

Local news and information.
Nathan Miller

A nice little local paper that serves the Baraga County area. They've got some decent reporters on staff covering the local issues. The outside editorials and political cartoons skew to the far right, otherwise it seems to be balanced and focused on the right issues - what's happening in this small part of the U.P.!
Debbie Mulari

I am the grandmother of the 8 year old boy you wrote about in this weeks edition (06/26/13). I would like to inform you that you have your facts wrong!! first of all his name is Donovyn Lantz NOT Damien Lantz!! Second of all he is home doing fantastic after his accident!! He is on his way to a full recovery, thank you very much!! If you are going to print these type of stories it would be a wondeful and maybe a novel idea to check your story with the people who actually know the facts ( his mother perhaps) who by the way sat at his bedside the entire time he was in the hospital. This amazingly strong willed little boy was released from the hospital the saturday after the accident and he walked out of his own accord. My point is that you just really need to check all your facts BEFORE you print!!!!! Rumors are exremely hurtful!!!