3 reviews

Southwest Electric Cooperative, Inc.

marker Bolivar, Missouri


3 reviews
Emilee Easterly

My lights work, thanks.
Am er Satterfield

5 power outages in the past two weeks due to work with NO notification. Called the reps. They said they reached out to some but not all... they always remember to reach out when a bill is due. An apology is not enough for bad business practices PERIOD. These arent 5-10 minute outages. These are 2 to 6 hour outages. With NO notification to select few. Being courteous on the phone after the fact is not what I pay you for. Natural disasters are UNDERSTANDABLE for no notification obviously. Scheduled work that everyone I spoke to didnt know about especially the one on DEC 23 when some of us were cooking for the holidays and got surprised with a 5 hour power outage are UNACCEPTABLE. If you try to pull the line we are trying to accommodate your electrical needs with state of the art and up to code equipment like you are doing us a favor save it, because we are MOST CERTAINLY paying for it and its the law. You should be REQUIRED to notify EVERY SINGLE customer and not just pick and choose at random and hope the word spreads.
Chandra Louise

I have always liked southwest Elec. Great people and great service and decent prices. I have never had a bad experience with them.