2 reviews

Camano Water Association

marker Camano, Washington


2 reviews

Quality of the water is poor, frequently 'muddy', and ruins fixtures in the home if left untreated. Monthly bills are very high considering the quality of the water. It's the only game in town, but for the price, bath water should be clear rather than brown prior to taking the bath.
Thank you

Twilight zone it's backwards day here 6 days a week so if it's good affordable water you want go somewhere else there is a attitude and a smugness that leaves you wanting to throw up when your done here it's ok to not want to patronize this water provider but you can't it's a one and only c choice forced membership fees over priced to cover bad buissness decisions from the past large water losses and rude staff has hand picked board that is not independent from staff but a part of them forgetting they represent the customers not the staff .